Top Three Project Manager Skills - Virtual

Top Three Project Manager Skills - Virtual

Top Three Project Manager Skills - Virtual

Top Three Project Manager Team Leader Skills - Virtual

Speaker: Tony Bryant- President of PMI Midlands Chapter

May 11th, 2021

6:00PM – 7:00PM


Learning Objectives of Presentation:

To understand the Top three Project Manager Team Leader Skills that are critical for managing relationships with and among the people on the project.

Please visit the Midlands Chapter website to register for this event.

Description of Presentation:

An overview of the three must have team leader skills for every successful Project Manager.

1. Communication and interpersonal skills. The Project Manager is at the hub of the wheel. It is critical that the Project Manager models exceptional communication skills with the Team and Stakeholders. The Project manager must be able to communicate well:

  1. Verbally
  2. In writing
  3. In front of a group
  4. In one-on-one conversations

2. Ability to negotiate and resolve conflicts

Aiding team members in resolving conflicts

Negotiating with functional managers for resources

3. Building commitment within the team

How to optimize the possibility for your team to be committed to the Project.

Event Properties

Event Date 05-11-2021 6:00 pm
Event End Date 05-11-2021 7:00 pm
Cut off date 05-11-2021 8:00 am
Individual Price $10 || Free for Members
Location Virtual


Tony Bryant

Chapter President

We are no longer accepting registration for this event