
Sunday. 18 July, 2021 - Saturday. 24 July, 2021
Tuesday. 20 July, 2021
5:30 pm

Appreciation Intelligence: The New AI

Appreciation Intelligence: The New AI

Roger Wolkoff
Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Author
All About Authenticity

Description of Presentation: Appreciation affects your bottom line and your workplace culture. Don’t think so? Think again! Now, more than ever, showing appreciation is the number one tool you should be using in your relationship-building toolkit. Customers, clients, and teammates expect nothing less. This program will show you how appreciation enhances your productivity and reduces the noise cluttering your work and personal life.

Learning Objectives:
- Identify your preferred appreciation language: words of appreciation, quality time, acts of service, or tangible gifts.
- Understand the business case for appreciation.
- Learn how to identify and meet other people’s appreciation preferences.
- Brainstorm and capture ideas for each appreciation language.
- Write down the One Thing that you will implement immediately.

Wednesday. 21 July, 2021
6:00 pm

Job Interview Skills


Succeeding in Upcoming Job Interviews!


Claire Jones, PHR, SHRM‐CP

Director, Human Resources

The interviewing process is the key part in landing a career and a 30-minute interview is what you have to represent yourself. It is a fact that better interviews get better job offers. Yet most candidates show-up for interviews unprepared.

Do you want to know how to prepare and succeed in your job interviews? 

This information-packed workshop takes the mystery – and the anxiety – out of job interviewing. Join us to learn how to boost your interview skills. You will learn about what companies are looking for in an interview along with the do’s and don’ts of an interview.

This event is for  anyone looking to land a job in the future!